They Ask You Answer. What a book!!! This book was amazing. It’s specific in its content and it’s topic…. Inbound marketing and specifically, how to have customers chasing you and not the other way around. It’s all about becoming a teacher in your field; posting relavaent blogs, videos and content, on the web to drive traffic… and leads. There wasn’t a single part of this book I didn’t like and will absolutely be putting many of its ideas into practice. It’s filled with helpful advise, case studies and blog topics that were fantastic. It’s a true guide. Well written, easy to follow and filled with great content. If you’re looking to up your social media/marketing/content game, then you absolutely must pick this book up. Again, very specific to that area of business, but a true game changer. I give this book a 9.6, an instant top 5 read and a HIGHLY recommended read. #happyreading